ZIMMER.TXT Extra stuff included with PF BANNER.SEQ This is a sample source file containing a banner printing utility from F83X to be used with the getting started section of PF documentation file DF.TXT. BLKTOSEQ.SEQ This file contains the source for a utility to convert your .BLK files into .SEQ files. Type the following to convert a file: FLOAD BLKTOSEQ CONV you will be prompted for the filename to convert. The .BLK file will be converted to a sequential file, with the new extension .SEQ. All extra blank lines will be omitted. Shadow screens in .BLK files will be enclosed in DF's "Comment:" mechanism, and appended to each source block. If a BLOCK file does not have shadows, then change its extension to .SCR, and DF will convert all screens sequentially. BOXTEXT.SEQ A cute little routine that works like ." to print messages to the screen. The difference here is that .BOX" requires an X and Y coordinate of where to start printing the message, and it also prints a box around your text string, with graphic line draw characters. .BOX" is used as follows: : boxtest ( --- ) 10 10 .box" hello there" 15 20 .box" This is a box test" ; As you can see it is used like ." . CASE.SEQ Contains a CASE statment similar to EAKERS, written by Robert L. Smith. COLOR.SEQ This file adds simple color capability to DF, primarily to enhance the editor when used on a color monitor. Words are provided to select four (4) attributes on the screen. They are: >ATTRIB1 >ATTRIB2 >ATTRIB3 >ATTRIB4 These are deferred words, which are automatically set for monochrome, and will be reset for color when the COLOR.SEQ file is loaded. After COLOR.SEQ is loaded, DF will automatically select color or monochrome at boot time, according to the monitor currently being used. FOREM.SEQ A debugger that will work with NEXT compiled INLINE. This debugger was written by Tom Zimmer, and has been ported, but currently is not fully debugged. FORWARD.SEQ A neat mechanism to handle forward references, and have them automatically resolved. FPRINT.SEQ A utility to print file in the format used by the PF editor. load the file and type: FPRINT Where is a standard DOS filespec, like *.TXT or *.SEQ ect. All files matching the will be printed in turn. FUNKEY.SEQ A simple utility to allow the 10 function keys to be assigned to forth words. Saves some key strokes. GRAPHICS.SEQ Watch out for this file. It was translated, but has not been tested. I do not have a Color monitor. You may find it interesting, and it may work. INDEX.SEQ A utility to display an index on the screen, of the first line of any file matching a file specification: INDEX *.TXT The first line of all .TXT files in the current directory will be printed to the screen. If no filespec is given, then INDEX will display the first lines of all .SEQ files. INTRO.SEQ A quick introduction for the experienced F83 user. Shows a few of the most used commands, and how they react in DF. MACROS.SEQ Keyboard macros for DF. Allows the creation and use of five (5) keyboard macros up to 128 keys in length. See the MACROS.SEQ file for information on usage. MONITOR.SEQ An on screen editor, allows you to cursor up and change all the stuff on the screen, then re-enter it by pressing on a line. Neat stuff. MOREHNDLS.SEQ Simple utility expand the handles for files that can be open, from 20 to 64 or as many as you need. MOUSE.SEQ A mouse driver interface for Forth. requires a mouse driver like MOUSE.SYS be installed in your CONFIG.SYS file. MYBANNER.SEQ Another example file for use with the starting section of the DF manual. NUMBER.SEQ A utility to allow number to sense a trailing H or h as a signal to enter a number in the HEX number base. PASCAL.SEQ Yes here it is again: Tiny Pascal, in yet another version, provided in source form, so you can amaze your friends with a Pascal compiler and translator written in Forth. Type the following: FLOAD PASCAL The Pascal compiler/translator will be loaded, making the Pascal syntax available. A separate file PASSOURC.SEQ includes several example programs in Pascal. They will need to be extracted (use SED's EXPORT function) into separate files to compile them, as the compiler gets VERY upset if there is more than one program in a file. Examine the provided source files for the Pascal syntax, or study any one of the many text books around. DON'T ASK ME, I JUST WROTE THE THING. This version of Tiny Pascal has been optimized for speed somewhat, and a translate option has been added, if you type: TRANSON prior to loading your Pascal source file, then a new file called PAS.SEQ will be created that will contain the translated Forth source code for the Pascal program you are compiling. If you want to save this source, you will have to rename it to another name, as it gets re-created each time you do a compile. The Forth code generated by the Pascal compiler is syntactically correct, but it is VERY INEFFICIENT, so you will likely want to optimize it manually before actually trying to use the translated Forth source. Tiny Pascal might be one way to give your Pascal programming friends a way to play with Forth that would not be too painful. PASSOURC.SEQ Some sample Pascal source files to go along with the sample Pascal compiler. These programs must be extracted into separate files before compiling, as the compiler does NOT like more than one program in a file. PATCHER.SEQ A utility to make it easy to patch the low level Forth system without having to recompile. See the PATCHER.SEQ file for more information. SEQTOBLK.SEQ This file contains the source for a utility to convert your .SEQ files back to .SCR files. Type the following to convert a file: FLOAD SEQTOBLK CONV you will be prompted for the filename to convert. The .SEQ file will be converted to a BLOCK file, with the new extension .SCR. Screen 0 will be blank. The first line of each block will be blank, preceded by a "\". The last line of each block will also be blank. The resulting will be an exact multiple of 1024 bytes in length. The resulting file will need to be substantially edited, to move entire definitions onto one screen, as they are likely to be split across screens in the move. TDISK.SEQ A utility file that makes all printed output go to a file rather than to the printer. Just load it and type PRTON to make and open a print file, do what ever printing you want, then type PRTOFF to close the print file. All output will be placed in the file TEXT.PRN. WINDOW.SEQ A nice window package for Forth, Much assembly, so its very fast. Primarily useful in an application package. Try the demo. WINDEX.SEQ This program creates a file on disk called WINDEX.TXT, which contains a list of all words in PF more or less sorted alphabetically followed by each words source file name. In other words it creates an index file.